Battery Maintenance Service In Owensboro, KY


As a responsible driver, you’re well aware that your car needs regular maintenance and the occasional timely repair to keep it running at its best, safest, and most efficient. That goes for things like oil changes and tire rotations, of course, but there’s one thing you may not think about having serviced until it’s too late: the battery.

The last thing anyone wants is to find themselves stranded when their car won’t start – but if you keep tabs on the health and well-being of your battery, you won’t have to worry about that.

Don Moore Nissan’s service center is here to take care of all of your car’s service needs, big and small. And lucky you – battery service is one of the most affordable and simplest maintenance tasks there is! That’s in addition to the fact that Don Moore Nissan is committed to offering extremely reasonable service prices across the board, and we have a lineup of service and parts deals that can help you save even more.

Don’t take chances on your car’s battery. Schedule a fast and easy battery inspection and service today at Don Moore Nissan.


The answer to this question varies depending on a variety of factors such as your battery’s age, the prevailing climate, and even the way you drive. The average car battery can be relied upon for about three years, give or take – but it’s not something you want to take chances with. You can avoid the hassle of a jump-start or the cost of a tow by remembering to get battery replacement service whenever you suspect it may be needed.

If you’ve lost track of your battery’s age or see any visible signs of corrosion or damage, it’s time to have it looked over by a professional. Same thing if your engine seems to be having trouble starting.


It’s always best to be proactive about automotive maintenance, whether you’re in need of a quick and simple fix like a battery replacement or a more involved job like brake work or engine repair. If your battery is past its prime, a visual inspection shows signs of wear or corrosion, or your car doesn’t start as easily as it should, then it’s time to bring your vehicle in for a battery inspection. Replacement service takes no time at all, and our technicians will make sure everything is done correctly and efficiently so you can get back on the road fast in a car you can count on to take you far.

Schedule service online and make sure to check out our current offers to see how much you can save on expert service at our auto care center near Owensboro, KY.