Used Car Deals at Don Moore Nissan

Used Cars for Sale in Owensboro, KY

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin when you’re in the market for a vehicle. Before you buy something brand new, why not check out our fantastic pre-owned vehicle section? At Don Moore Nissan, our vast inventory includes cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. You’re certain to find a vehicle you love.

Browse our pre-owned inventory online today. Although our selection of used vehicles is extensive, you can use our filters to narrow down your search. Simply select from color, make, style, year, price, and more. This way, once you’ve found a vehicle you’re interested in, you can save time and immediately take a test drive when you visit us.

Don’t be worried about purchasing a used vehicle. Our trained team members examine each vehicle for any problems and issues. Our staff performs thorough inspections before we list a vehicle as available. Your safety is our priority.

Why Buy Used from Don Moore Nissan?

There are many benefits to choosing Don Moore Nissan. From specials to services, we pride ourselves on outstanding customer satisfaction. That’s why we offer numerous perks for our loyal shoppers.

Some of the advantages of shopping at Don Moore Nissan:

  • We offer a College Grad program for recent graduates and those who are set to graduate soon.
  • Our well-trained experts provide your vehicle with top-quality care in our service center.
  • Vehicles in our inventory represent a variety of different manufacturers.
  • Our financial experts are standing by to help you with financing.
  • We have a long list of special offers to make our prices even more affordable, including service specials.
  • Our selection of vehicles available usually consists of late-model, low-mileage cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs.

As you can see, we give shoppers plenty of reasons to choose us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us online or by calling (270) 873-4471. Our sales associates will be more than happy to assist you.

Don Moore Nissan: So Much to Love

Located in Owensboro, Kentucky, our dealership is just a short drive from Evansville and Leitchfield. Our pre-owned inventory is always changing, so come see us soon. Don’t miss out on your chance of owning your dream vehicle.

Stop by our convenient location at 4216 Frederica Street in Owensboro today. Once here, you’ll be able to take a test drive to see how your chosen vehicle feels on the road. We look forward to seeing you soon!